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Wieniawski - Legende Op.17 - for violin and piano

Wieniawski - Legende Op.17 - for violin and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Wieniawski - Legende Op.17 - for violin and piano on this page. Légende pour violon avec accompagnament d'orchestre ou de piano cotnposeé et dédiée a sa femme née Isabelle Hampton par Henri Wieniawski Op. 17 was written around 1860 and dedicated to the composer's wife. Legend about the Légende has it that Wieniawski composed it to convince his future father-in-law that with his talent and skills he was able to ensure his family a prosperous and interesting life.

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Instrument part: 4 pages. 898 K


Piano part: 9 pages. 2278 K


Wieniawski - Legende Op.17 - for violin and piano - Instrument part - first page Wieniawski - Legende Op.17 - for violin and piano - Piano part - first page
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