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Wieniawski - Scherzo and tarantella Op.16 - for violin and piano

Wieniawski - Scherzo and tarantella Op.16 - for violin and piano . You can download the PDF sheet music Wieniawski - Scherzo and tarantella Op.16 - for violin and piano on this page. Scherzo-Tarantelle in G minor Op. 16, dedicated to Lambert Massart, Wieniawski's teacher at the Paris Conservatoire, dates from 1855. No great virtuoso can do without a pinch (or more) of madness. This is what the Scherzo-Tarantelle is all about. The racing passages in the outer sections of the TaranteIle which are bound to evoke the admiration of the more fiery ladies are brought to a brief halt in the central section in order to move to tears the more tender listeners. Over a hundred years after the extravagances of the steam age, this composition by the 20-vear-old Wieniawski continues to make a profound impression on listeners with its simplicity and perfection of the violin texture.

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Instrument part: 6 pages. 14421 K


Piano part: 12 pages. 29660 K


Wieniawski - Scherzo and tarantella Op.16 - for violin and piano  - Instrument part - first page Wieniawski - Scherzo and tarantella Op.16 - for violin and piano  - Piano part - first page
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