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Vieuxtemps - Fantasy Apassionata for violin op.35

Vieuxtemps - Fantasy Apassionata for violin op.35. You can download the PDF sheet music Vieuxtemps - Fantasy Apassionata for violin op.35 on this page. The Fantasia appassionata belongs to a work composed or arranged during the late 1850s that demonstrate the wide variety of Vieuxtemps's interests. The latter falls into four well-defined sections, corresponding to the standard movements in a sonata structure: the dramatic opening Allegro moderato in G minor gives way to an enchanting Moderato theme and variations, which establishes the major mode. There follows a Largo slow movement, incorporating elements of the traditional solo cadenza, climaxing in a Saltarello finale that ends the Fantasia.

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Instrument part: 12 pages. 930 K


Piano part: 21 pages. 6729 K


Vieuxtemps - Fantasy Apassionata for violin op.35 - Instrument part - first page Vieuxtemps - Fantasy Apassionata for violin op.35 - Piano part - first page
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