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Villa-Lobos - Black Swan (O canto do cisne negro) for violin and piano

Villa-Lobos - Black Swan for violin and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music of Villa-Lobos - Black Swan (O canto do cisne negro) for violin and piano on this page. O canto do cisne negro was originally part of Naufrá-gio de Kleónicos, a symphonic poem that has also been staged as a ballet. In its arrangement for solo violin and impressionistically colored piano (sempre ondulando), it is an atmospherically dense Adagio non troppo. When the piece is played on the violin, the black swan of the title disappears on the G string in a vision of loveliness.

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Violin part: 1 pages. 444 K


Piano part: 9 pages. 4841 K


Villa-Lobos - Black Swan (O canto do cisne negro) for violin and piano - Violin part - first page Villa-Lobos - Black Swan (O canto do cisne negro) for violin and piano - Piano part - first page
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Brazil's most famous 20th-century composer was Heitor Villa-Lobos, who was born in Rio de Janeiro, where he also died. Although he was essentially self-taught as a composer, his musical gifts were recognized at an early date, and state and private funding allowed him to spend eight years in Paris, where he quickly gathered a circle of admirers around him and where his works were widely performed. He was himself proficient on the cello and guitar, and these two instruments were to become emblematic of his songs and their accompaniments.
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